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Closing Debate Speech Example

How to End a Debate: A Guide to Creating a Strong Closing Statement


A debate is a discussion or argument between two or more people who hold different opinions. The goal of a debate is to persuade the audience to agree with your point of view. A well-crafted closing statement is essential for winning a debate.

Four Steps to a Powerful Closing Statement

There are four key steps to crafting a powerful closing statement for your debate:
  1. Review and reinforce your main arguments. Remind the audience of the most important points you made during your debate.
  2. Focus on ideas, not personal attacks. Avoid attacking your opponent personally. Instead, focus on critiquing their arguments.
  3. Listen actively and acknowledge your opponent's points. Show the audience that you have listened to and understood your opponent's arguments. Even if you disagree with them, acknowledge their points and show that you have considered them.
  4. End with a strong call to action. Tell the audience what you want them to do, such as vote for you or support your cause.

Examples of Effective Closing Statements

Here are two examples of effective closing statements:
  1. In a debate about the death penalty, a debater could say: "I urge you to vote against the death penalty. It is a cruel and unusual punishment that does not deter crime. It is also irreversible, and there is always the risk of executing an innocent person. We can and must find other ways to punish murderers."
  2. In a debate about climate change, a debater could say: "The time for action is now. We cannot afford to wait any longer to address the threat of climate change. We must take immediate steps to reduce our emissions and invest in renewable energy. If we do not act now, the consequences will be devastating for our planet and our children."


A strong closing statement is essential for winning a debate. By following the four steps outlined in this article, you can craft a closing statement that will persuade the audience to agree with your point of view.
